Aged Care 24/7 Registered Nurses & Care Minutes Requirements.

NB: It is important to stress that care provided by RNs, ENs, personal care workers (PCWs) and Assistants in Nursing (AINs) can be counted for the purposes of meeting the care minutes targets.

Overview of the 24/7 RN and care minutes responsibilities.

  • New responsibilities for residential aged care providers to: – have a registered nurse on-duty and on-site 24/7 from 1 July 2023, and – meet mandatory targets of minutes of care delivered to residents from 1 October 2023.
  • The Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission know not all providers will have 24/7 RN coverage from 1 July, due to factors including workforce shortages.
  • Certain services can apply for an exemption through the Department of Health and Aged Care. The exemptions are from 1st July 2023 to 1st July 2024.
  • Enforcement action is unlikely where providers are making efforts to achieve 24/7 coverage and continuing to provide safe and quality care to residents, including through alternative clinical care arrangements when an RN is not on-site and on duty,

Overview of the Commission’s regulatory approach.

  • Where facilities are not meeting the 24/7 RN responsibility, the Commision will consider the steps a provider has taken to fulfil their responsibilities, and the clinical governance and clinical care arrangements in place to ensure that the clinical needs of residents are met.
  • Where providers can show they are actively working to comply with their responsibilities, the Commissions response will be different from the actions taken if a provider is unable to demonstrate a suitable response, or deliberately avoids meeting their obligations and may be placing residents at risk of harm.
  • If Aged Care Providers are not meeting the 24/7 RN responsibility, but can show ongoing efforts to comply, and are providing safe and quality care to residents at all times, the Commission are unlikely to take enforcement action.

Enrolled nurses and other care staff, such as PCW’s, may make up a valuable part of a provider’s strategy to ensure the clinical care needs of their residents when an RN is not on-site.

Care Minutes:

  • Average 200 minutes (including 40 minutes of RN time) from 1 October 2023
  • Increase to 215 minutes (including 44 minutes of RN time) from 1 October 2024

Care Workers:

Only care provided by RNs, ENs, personal care workers (PCWs) and Assistants in Nursing (AINs) can be counted for the purposes of meeting the care minutes targets.

This is important to realise why bringing in Internationally qualified Nurses as PCW’s and AIN’s is critical, streamlined & cost effective. As they can be rapidly deployed & easily converted to RN’s once in Australia. AusPath have the solution.

At AusPath, we recognize the importance of compliance with these regulatory requirements while maintaining the highest standards of care. Our innovative approach to recruitment and onboarding enables aged care providers to access a pool of internationally qualified Nurses, Allied Health Professionals, and skilled workers who can contribute to meeting these care minutes targets.

Our streamlined onboarding process ensures that candidates are thoroughly vetted and equipped with the necessary qualifications and skills to excel in their roles. Through strategic partnerships with leading training providers, we offer comprehensive support to candidates, including preparation for English exams, clinical skills assessments, and cultural orientation.

Furthermore, our Transitional Pathway program facilitates the rapid conversion of skilled workers to Registered Nurses, enabling aged care providers to address workforce shortages and meet regulatory obligations effectively. By harnessing the talents of internationally qualified professionals, aged care providers can enhance resident care, improve staff retention rates, and future-proof their workforce.

At AusPath, we are committed to supporting aged care providers in navigating these challenges and achieving compliance with regulatory requirements. Our tailored solutions empower providers to deliver exceptional care while maintaining efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Contact us today to learn more about how AusPath can help you address the evolving needs of aged care and ensure the well-being of your residents.


Regulating 24/7 registered nurse and care minutes responsibilities (

Webinar: Regulation of workforce-related responsibilities including 24/7 onsite RNs and care minutes

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